From our Conversational Conversation on 8/27,
see the Celebrations, Hopes & Questions below:


Card Ministry

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Life TogetherGreat Staff*Food for KidsPack the Pantry

Meals on Wheels

Music Ministry

Children's & Youth Ministries

150th Anniversary


Sunday School

Wed AM Men's Group

90th Birthdays

VBS (Very Big Sunday)

Talent ShowLife TogetherDinner for Eight

Good Friday Service

All Saints Day

Scholarship Fish Fry

Children's Christmas Play

Emphasis on Outreach

New Staff/ Configuration "Blossom"

More Young Families/Children Growing


Leadership from Congregation


Scholarship Fundraiser

Valentine's Day Event

150 years celebration

Celebrating Seniors Graduating

Family Craft Times


Mission Trips & Camps

Milestone Birthdays & Anniversaries

Youth Lock-Ins??

150th Anniversary

??Ruth's PlaceVBSYouth travelsWelcomingFlower Ministry

Children's Sunday school

Lots of Volunteers

Nursery Remodel

Parkinsons Group

Praise TeamLife Together

Contemporary Service

Life TogetherDinners for 8

Warmth & Acceptance


Justin & Support Staff


Christian Education

Ruth's placeour choirScholarships

Bind People Together with Dignity

Church Events

Recognitions with Flowers

Prayer ShawlsCard Ministry

Oak Trail Shores Support

Seder Dinner

Nursery/Little Kids

Life TogetherNew MembersSmall GroupsFitness Groups

Flexible Leadership

Overhead Info Scrolling

People, Service, Sermons

MusicLove of Christ

Finding a church home

the community (Church Community, family atmosphere)

Donuts & Gathering Area


Older StaffMovie Nights

More Kids & Younger Families

Technology Class

BilingualCooling Stations

Missions at Ruth's Place

Bell Choir

Blending of our diversity (age) of our staff and congregation!

Grow our children's ministry

Bus program (Oak Trail Shores)

Women's retreat

More Lay Person Involvement

Continue managed growth in numbers, Outreach, spiritual

Small Groups

Growth by Group

New Local Mission Outreach

More Youth Activities with more convenient times

Participate in the Christmas Parade

More family events

Fall Carnival (Trunk or treat, etc)

Additional mission trips for youth and adults

Mom & Dad Night Out

Men's Prayer Group Continue to Grow

Hope we grow the congregation while maintaining the welcoming & inclusive spirit here now

Homeless Ministry


More ways to serve others

more food bank

more for salvation army aging out kids

life skills education

continued growth

more visible outreach programs

continued growth in womens groups

encourage involvement among young families

more activities with women's ministry

more projects with outside communities

better church security

more outreach concern for homeless

JYF Growth & consistent programming

Attracting families

more volunteers for youth programs

opportunities for working members

Increase community awareness of who we are

Hope service becomes less casual (more traditional at 11am)

Sermon spoken with authority

we attract young families with children

women's bible study

study of revelations

grow the youth group

church christmas party


Is there a plan to change the pulpit & front of church?

Is there a way to see the sermon/pastor better? And also the worship team leader?

Can you wear the robes?

We're not sure when to sing along with hymns?

Way to get more participation with singing?

We're missing some of our traditions? Can we bring some back?

Why can't we celebrate with more flowers?

Are we going to continue with our current church hours? (9:00 to 5:00)

Church hours on friday? table?

How do we see minutes of board? (with redactions?)

More info on finances

How can we help staff? Focus on priorities, not menial; avoid burn-out

How do we decide on minister hires?

What is the future direction of the church with the current admin?

What future events are planned? (mission, etc)

What are the plans for recruitment?

What are the plans for future fund raising?

What ideas are proposed for outreach beyond our community?

What plans are there for unity with other FCC churches for events?

Additional ways to donate money (Ruth's Place for Certain Item)

How can we help the people on the prayer list?

How can we expand outreach programs?

How do I get involved in porgrams?

What about our organ, our communion table, and ministers robes?

Are more outreach projects in the works?

Need more organization in kitchen help

Does church have a definition of dignity?

Why there's not enough time to do things? Better Scheduling?

How do we go from talk/words to action?

How do we get members involved?

Can we have another volunteer fair for members (kitchen)

How can we promote the church better?

Can we add back call-em-all?

Do we have personal amplifiers? Can we do closed captions?

Do we have enough programs for youth and children?

Are we doing God's will?

Are we doing enough for scholarships?

How can we be more environmentally conscious?

How do we celebrate missionary work?

What is our security plan? What do we do in case of emergency?