We are currently hiring for a Pianist/Accompanist.

The link below will take you to the detailed job description.

Position: Pianist / Accompanist


FCC Granbury, a growing Disciples of Christ congregation with a warm, family feel and a deep commitment to sharing with ALL people the love of God we experience in Jesus Christ our Lord, is seeking a faithful, loving, dedicated pianist to accompany our chancel choir and provide music for our Sunday traditional worship service. While not required, ability to play the organ is a bonus.

Job Requirements

1. Specific Tasks to include but not be limited to:

a. Traditional Service: With the direction of the Minister of Music, accompany the chancel choir and provide piano music for all Sunday traditional worship services and attend all weekday practices. A typical Sunday service includes:

  1. Communion piece (5 minutes)

  2. Offertory (2-3 minutes)

  3. Prelude 

  4. Postlude

  5. 4 hymns

  6. 2 responses

  7. The occasional need to improvise while communion comes to an end or when the minister is ready (or not quite ready) to start the service.  

b. Special Services (like Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, and Maundy Thursday/Good Friday) are included in the base pay.  

c. Weddings and Funerals: As possible, provide accompaniment for weddings and funeral/memorial services.  Pay for these is usually provided by the family involved.  When necessary, FCC will supplement the funds provided by the family to ensure the Accompanist is fairly compensated.

    i.  Additional practices may be required for Christmas cantata preparation.

    ii. Occasionally, FCC stylistically integrates our two services which will require working with the full music ministry team for that worship service.

2. Other general roles

  1. With the Minister of Music, encourage and recruit members of the congregation of all ages to offer their musical gifts in the service of Christ and the church in a variety of ways.

  2. Help choir members understand how music pieces connect with the biblical and spiritual themes of our worship.

  3. Work with local resources (e.g., TCU, Tarleton State University) to secure any paid instrumentalists/soloists needed for special services.


This is a part-time position, and we have generally found that it can be done faithfully and well in 10-15 hours per week. This includes:

  • Sunday service at 11am (including warm-up beforehand)

  • One Wednesday evening practice (usually from 6:30 to 8pm)

  • Practice and preparation time


FCC seeks to compensate all its staffpersons in a way that is generous, fair, and commensurate with experience and the nature of the role. Compensation is made on the 15th of the month and on the last day of the month. FCC has a history of giving raises as possible to staff members that excel in faithful service. Other than Social Security, the only other employer funded benefit is vacation pay for 6 “key days” off per year, with key days defined as Wednesdays and Sundays.


Our ministerial staff works to foster a loving, collaborative, and mutually supportive environment consistent with the humble, relational ethos of our congregation. We meet weekly, retreat annually, and support one another in our lives and ministries. 

Officially, the Accompanist reports to the Minister of Music, and each staff member gathers each January with the Personnel Chair and Senior Minister for an annual review.

Please send cover letter, resume, and any salary expectations to: justin@fccgranbury.org.