Welcome to FCC Granbury!
We are glad that you are taking a look at our website today! We are a warm community striving to meet the needs of people sharing the love of God with all.
What to Expect
> What's the Parking Situation?
As you pull into our parking lot, either a right hand turn or a left hand turn will lead you to a parking space. Our main entrances can be found under large car ports. If you need to drop someone off at the door, please pull under the car port. Once you're inside, you should see a yellow bag greeter who will help you find your way around our facility.
> Is FCC Handicap Accessible?
Handicap parking and accessibility to our sanctuary is available and easiest to access near our two carports. We have wheelchair accessibility among our pews, and hearing aid devices are available for guests who might be hearing impaired.
> What Are The People Like?
Our people are professional and blue collar, young and old, conservative and liberal. We believe that being a community committed to following the teachings of Jesus is more important than agreeing on all of the particulars of faith. You'll find people from all kinds of viewpoints and all kinds of backgrounds at our church. And that's the way we like it!
> What's The Vibe Like?
FCC Granbury is a pretty laid-back place. We're serious about our faith, but we seriously believe that a life of faith is meant to be joyful and authentic. We want you to come as you are, and share with us the beautiful piece of God that is in you.
> Will I Feel Welcome?
It's very important to us that you do. The people of our church want everyone to feel welcome here, and we try our best to connect with everyone that comes through our doors. Of course, the more you stick around, introduce yourself, and get involved, the more likely you are to connect!
> Is This Church a Friendly Place for Kids?
We LOVE kids! FCC Granbury has a ministers dedicated to fostering the faith of our children and youth.
> What Will People Be Wearing?
Your guess is as good as ours! Some of us feel most comfortable worshiping God in a dress or suit and tie. Others prefer to worship in shorts or jeans. Whatever you choose to wear, you'll be able to find someone who is dressed similarly to you.
> If I Visit, Will I Get 10,000 visits, emails and phone calls?
No. You will get a follow up phone call or note IF you choose to give us your address or phone number. You will not get more contact than you desire.
Find Us
FCC Granbury is located at
2109 W Hwy 377, Granbury, TX 76049
Right next door to Tractor Supply!