Congregational Leadership Positions


The Moderator presides at all meetings of the General Board and the congregation and serves as president of the corporation.

The Moderator works with the trustees to execute instruments and documents required in the transaction of the business of the church.

The Moderator serves as a member of the Mission/Vision Team and appoints representatives to the Permanent Funds Committee and the Nominating Committee, reconvening the Nominating Committee as necessary to fill vacancies that occur. All appointments must be confirmed by the General Board.

The Moderator performs other duties normally associated with the office of Moderator and duties as may be assigned by the General Board. 

Vice Moderator

In the absence of the Moderator, the Vice Moderator performs all duties of the Moderator and also assumes any special duties assigned by the General Board. The Vice Moderator serves as Chairperson of the Personnel Committee and as a member of the Mission/Vision Team.



The Recording Secretary keeps and distributes minutes of all regular and special meetings of the congregation and the General Board; and maintains a permanent record of all policies established by the Board.


Financial Secretary (Non-Board Position)

The Financial Secretary oversees the counting of receipts each Sunday and assures that two (2) persons are involved in the counting and receiving of all contributions.

The Financial Secretary coordinates with the paid bookkeeper to ensure the keeping of accurate records of the source and amount of income, and the depositing of all income in the proper bank accounts.

The Financial Secretary also serves as a member of the Permanent Funds Committee.


The Treasurer provides oversight for the financial life of the congregation regarding receipt of all income and expenditures made from all accounts.

The Treasurer confirms that disbursements are made only after proper authorization; and makes a monthly financial report to be presented at the General Board meeting.

The Treasurer is a member of the Permanent Fund Committee, the Budget Committee, and the Personnel Team. 


Outreach Representative

The Outreach Representative serves as an advocate for the outreach ministry of the congregation. This includes overseeing the outreach budget and ensures that the budget allocation instructions from the General Board (usually expressed as a percentage of receipts) are followed when funding outreach commitments.

Stewardship Representative

The Stewardship Representative fosters faithful stewardship among the congregation year-round. Additional duties include coordinating the annual stewardship campaign and assembling budget requests, which are then presented to the Budget Committee. The stewardship representative meets with the Mission/Vision Team and is also a member of the General Board and the Budget Committee.


Property Representative

The Property Representative provides oversight of property (buildings, vehicles, etc.) and, in collaboration with the property team, makes recommendations to the General Board for the repair and upkeep of said property.


Mission/Vision Team Member-at-Large

This Mission/Vision Team member participates in ongoing ministry visioning and discernment across all areas of ministry, such as worship, stewardship, education, etc.



The Elders will oversee the spiritual life and development of the congregation, serve at the Lord’s table, and assist and share with the ministers in caregiving ministries and pastoral functions, including visits to members who are homebound or in the hospital, as appropriate.

They will thoughtfully consider the policies of the church; and encourage, by example and teaching, the missionary, evangelistic, educational and stewardship responsibilities of the church; and perform such other duties as may be assigned.

Elders will elect their leadership at the beginning of each term and meet as needed. The Chairperson of the Elders will serve a one-year term and is ineligible to serve in that role the following year.



The Deacons will facilitate worship and cooperate with the elders and ministers in promoting the growth and welfare of the congregation.

They assist in greeting worshippers, preparing the communion elements, serving communion, receiving offerings, and perform such other duties as may be assigned.

The Deacons elect their leadership at the beginning of each term and meet as needed. A person may not serve as Chairperson of the Deacons for more than three (3) consecutive years.



The Trustees act as the legal agents of the church in all business matters under the direction of the General Board and subject to the approval of the congregation.

The Trustees hold legal title to all church property and handle all business transactions related thereto, and perform such duties as required by the laws of Texas.

The Trustees will select one of their membership to be Chair, and that person will serve on the General Board.

Chair of Permanent Funds

The Chair of Permanent Funds leads a team that oversees the management of the invested funds of the congregation and the allocation of distributions of those funds.