We meet for seasonal Bible Studies as well as year round Sunday School classes. These adult classes are currently meeting:
Disciples Class
In the Adult Sunday School Wing, Room 3
In the Disciples Class, scripture is shared in an interactive way that brings the text alive. Weekly classes combine teaching and discussion to provide a scriptural interpretation of culture and a cultural interpretation of scripture. Participants are invited to take a deep dive into familiar Bible stories and into lesser-known passages, to put them in historical context, and to apply them to modern life.
What’s this text really about? This is a class where we seek and discover together...where we dig deep for new wisdom and insights. It’s a class for Bible nerds and first-timers alike.
No prior knowledge is assumed!
“Living the Questions”
In the Adult Sunday School Wing, Room 1
Life is about discovering the right questions more than having the right answers. It’s counterintuitive, isn’t it? In a world that seeks certainty and winning over doubting and losing, it seems strange to intentionally seek out that which might be considered weak or vulnerable…but isn’t that the way of Christ? What is the cross, if not the ultimate embodiment of loss and undefended love? Aren’t questions the path to new wisdom? All of these are great questions!
As people committed to “The Way” of Jesus, we seek to remain on the path of ongoing discernment, which is a gift of the Holy Spirit. This class is an opportunity to reclaim the questions, to hold them together and listen to one another and the Holy Spirit to discover new life and bigger truths that point to love. So, bring your doubts, questions, fears and assumptions! We’d love to hold them with you. Let’s open our Bibles and our hearts and see where God takes us!